Call for Applications FESTIVAL MANIFESTO The Image fes­ti­val of Toulouse

Manifesto, the fes­ti­val laun­ches its calls for appli­ca­tions for its next edi­tion which will take place from September 07 to September 28, 2013. Founded in 2002 by a group of pho­to­gra­phers from Toulouse, after 10 years of exis­tence the fes­ti­val ManifestO has esta­bli­shed itself as a major event pho­to­gra­phy in France.

hervouet_valton-f06bfImagen cortesía de Camille Hervouet et Grégory Valton. ManifestO Festival 2012

The fes­ti­val is a suc­cess both with the public (25,000 visi­tors this year again) and with the pho­to­gra­phers. This legi­ti­macy streng­thens the ambi­tions of the orga­ni­zers for years to come.

ManifestO invi­tes all pho­to­gra­phers wishing to exhi­bit their work to send a port­fo­lio of their pro­ject. There is no defi­ned theme. Each pro­po­si­tion will be judged in terms of its qua­lity and consis­tency. The fes­ti­val is open to all pho­to­gra­phers without any condi­tion of age, natio­na­lity or status (pro­fes­sio­nal or ama­teur). Collective pro­jects are accep­ted.

Selected can­di­da­tes will be noti­fied by e-mail only around mid May. The list of selec­ted pho­to­gra­phers will be publi­shed in the news­let­ter of the Festival and on the Facebook account of the Festival ManifestO. The selec­ted pho­to­gra­phers will be exhi­bi­ted in Toulouse from September 07 to September 28, 2013.

Event: FESTIVAL MANIFESTO The Image fes­ti­val of Toulouse

Call for: Applications FESTIVAL MANIFESTO The Image fes­ti­val of Toulouse
Exhibition Place: Toulouse, France
Exhibition date: from September 07 to September 28, 2013
Application deadline: April 01, 2013
For more



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