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La educación y la cultura iberoamericanas, a debate en Salamanca del 5 al 7 de septiembre

Cerca de un millar de expertos, investigadores y docentes del mundo académico iberoamericano relacionados con la educación, la cultura y las lenguas iberoamericanas, junto a altos representantes de los Ministerios de Educación y de Cultura, y cerca de 50 niños y niñas de Iberoamérica, se reunirán en Salamanca del 5 al 7 de septiembre en […]

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La española Enriqueta Hueso participa como curadora internacional de la IV Bienal de Arte de Madeira

El nuevo pyecto internacional llevado a cabo por la Galería O+O, Valencia, en la que su directora, Enriqueta Hueso, participa como curadora internacional en la  4º  muestra dirigida por Manuel Barata, Presidente- Fundador de la “Art Bienal Internacional de Arte da Madeira (Madeira Internacional Art Bienal – MIAB –Portugal)”.   Se presenta las obras de […]

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Fallo del 1er Premio Arquitectura Social – Fundación Konecta

El arquitecto Julio Jiménez Corral, con el proyecto «Zootropo», ha sido el ganador del 1er Premio de Arquitectura Social-Fundación Konecta. Fallado el pasado 25 de abril y dotado con único premio de 10.000 €, «Zootropo», de Jiménez Corral, se ha hecho con el galardón. El 1º Premio de Arquitectura Social- Fundación Konecta fue convocado el pasado […]

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Continúa abierta la convocatoria “Imagen Patrimonial del Caribe 2012”

Continúa abierta la convocatoria a los reporteros gráficos y fotógrafos de periódicos y revistas de la Región Caribe a la Exposición Itinerante de Fotografías “Imagen Patrimonial del Caribe 2012”. Imagen del la convocatoria «Imagen Patrimonial del Caribe». Cortesía de la Fundación Marsolaire. La iniciativa liderada por la Fundación Marsolaire, el Ministerio de Cultura, en el […]

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La XI Bienal de La Habana abre sus puertas con más de 40 países participantes

Varias galerías del circuito de la Habana Vieja abrieron el pasado día 12 sus puertas con motivo de la XI Bienal de La Habana, una de las más importantes muestras de cultura, donde se presentan 180 artistas de más de 40 países, los cuales exhibirán sus obras en teatros y museos. La Bienal estará abierta […]

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Ruth Gómez presenta su primera exposición individual en Bruselas bajo el título de «Courage»

Hasta el 28 de abril puede verse en la Jozsa Gallery de Bruselas la primera exposición en la capital belga de la artista Ruth Gómez.  Bajo el título de «Courage» la muestra reúne diseños, dibujos murales y  pegatinas de la artista. © Ruth Gómez A continuación se reproduce el texto introductorio de la exposición, firmado […]

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Fundación Canal y PHotoEspaña presentan el concurso «Imágenes enlazadas»

PHotoEspaña y la Fundación Canal presentan el concurso “Imágenes enlazadas” a través del cual podrás demostrar tu capacidad de hilar, encadenar o relacionar imágenes para crear una historia, un discurso o una serie fotográfica. Imagen cortesía de PHotoEspaña 2012. Lo primero que debes hacer es ayudarlos a crear el archivo de fotos, por ello te […]

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Call for Artists: Impakt WORKS Residencies 2012 Utrecht, The Netherlands

Impakt Works residencies take place at Impakt in Utrecht, The Netherlands. The call is open to both Dutch and international artists. A residency period can run from February 2012 onwards, and generally lasts two months. This includes: accommodation, a studio, basic technical facilities and equipment, and reimbursement of traveling expenses up to 250 euro. Artists […]

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Open Call: Home Workspace Program 2012-13 in Beirut

The HWP is an annual, interdisciplinary arts program launched by Ashkal Alwan in 2011. The program targets emerging artists, writers, thinkers and cultural practitioners who wish to develop their formal, historical, and critical skills and practice in a supportive environment in Beirut. Each edition or class of the HWP runs for 10 months, led by […]

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Sharjah Art Foundation announces the 2012 Production Programme Open Call for grants to artists

Sharjah Art Foundation announces the 2012 Production Programme Open Call for grants to artists working in a range of media. Up to $200,000 is available in this application cycle. The Sharjah Art Foundation (SAF) Production Programme broadens the possibilities for the production of art in the MENASA region through a commitment to support innovation and […]

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«Symmetries» Architecture workshop in Rome

SYMMETRIES is a platform led by Iñaqui Carnicero, Jacobo García-Germán and José María Sánchez and a set of initiatives devoted to think about the dialogue between past and present in the urban structures of cities with a Roman origin. SYMMETRIES draws links between places, institutions and universities from Spain and the rest of Europe with […]

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Fernando García-Dory presents «Land, Use» in the David Brower Center, California

Communities around the world have been broken apart by land development, the disappearance of tradition, and stark differences in values around land use. From farming and seed libraries to the livelihood of nomadic shepherds … what does “preservation” mean when it comes to tradition, land, and knowledge? © Fernando García-Dory For this exhibition, the David […]

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Creative Capital is now accepting online Letters of Inquiry for grants in Emerging Fields, Literature and Performing Arts

Creative Capital is now accepting online Letters of Inquiry for grants in Emerging Fields, Literature and Performing Arts. The deadline for submitting inquiries is March . Creative Capital provides integrated financial and advisory support to artists pursuing innovative and adventurous projects. Acting as a catalyst for the development of exceptional and imaginative ideas, we support […]

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Gallery Director/ Curator a job opportunity at AUB The American University of Beirut

The American University of Beirut is embarking on a major initiative in the visual arts. We will shortly be opening two new exhibition galleries. The first will house a small permanent collection of paintings, primarily by Lebanese artists from the early 20th century. The second will showcase temporary, rotating exhibitions, concentrating primarily on contemporary art. […]

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The Skowhegan 2012 application is now open

Skowhegan, in both its physical and programmatic design, provides opportunities for intense work and creative direction. Because the program focuses on process and experimentation, Participants are encouraged to come prepared to work without a preconceived agenda or schedule. The program requires Participants to commit to being in residence for the full nine-week session from mid-June […]

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Libia Castro & Ólafur Ólafsson at the 54th Biennale di Venezia

The official Icelandic representation at the 54th International Art Exhibition — La Biennale di Venezia is the Spanish-Icelandic duo Libia Castro & Ólafur Ólafsson, whose collaborations explore the political, socio-economic, and personal forces that affect life in the present day. © Libia Castro & Ólafur Ólafsson Their work, which has taken them to cities around […]

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